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Can Pigeons and Chickens Live Together? (Read This First)

It’s a question that has long been debated by farmers and pet owners alike: can chickens and pigeons live together?

Yes, pigeons and chickens live together. However, the perches of the pigeon need to be a bit higher because chickens may sometimes peck the eggs or attack the babies. This is because chickens can be aggressive towards smaller birds.

The best way to keep them together is to have a chicken coop with an attached aviary or loft for the pigeons. However, there’s a lot more to it than just that.

chickens and pigeons have different habits and needs, so there are a few things you need to take into account to make sure they’re both happy and healthy.

In this article, we will learn whether pigeons and chickens can live together, how to keep them together, and what you need to take into account.

So if you are interested in learning all this, keep on reading!

Can Pigeons and Chickens Live Together 1

Can Pigeons and Chickens Live Together?

As I already mentioned above, yes pigeons and chickens can live together without any issue. However, since chickens love pecking everything around them, and sometimes they can be aggressive to other smaller birds, you need to take some safety measures.

This doesn’t mean that chickens will attack the pigeons directly. However, if the pigeons have laid eggs and chickens can approach them then there is a higher chance the chicken will break these eggs by pecking them.

Similarly, if the pigeon baby falls from its nest, the chicken will either injure it or kill it by pecking.

The best way to keep them together is by having a chicken coop with an attached aviary or loft for the pigeons. In this way, the chickens will be safe inside the coop and the pigeons will have their own space in the aviary/loft.

Interesting Fact:

Do Pigeons Like Chicken?

Now that you’ve learned the answer you may have some other questions on your mind. One o these questions might be whether pigeons like chicken or not.

The answer to this question is yes. Pigeons are social animals and they mostly don’t mind living with people and other birds as long as they don’t feel threatened. However, if the pigeon is not used to living with chicken then it may feel scared at first.

But don’t worry, after some time it will get used to the chickens and start living peacefully with them.

Can Pigeons be Housed with other Birds?

Pigeons are one of the few birds that love being with others and usually make friends with other birds easily. So the answer to this question is yes, pigeons can be housed with other birds without any issue.

However, as I already mentioned above, if the pigeon is not used to living with other birds then it may feel scared at first. But after some time it will get used to them and start living peacefully with them.

Having that said, it is still wise to give both birds their own private places. Just in case things don’t go well between them they can easily move to their own places.

A beautiful pigeon

Can Pigeons Make Chickens Sick?

There are a lot of bird diseases that can cause problems in different places at different times. However, the question is whether pigeons can make chickens sick or not.

The answer is yes, if chickens are in contact with sick pigeons then they are likely to get serious respiratory problems. According to studies the mortality rate of chickens coming in contact with sick pigeons is around 2/5 to 3/5.

However, this doesn’t mean that every pigeon can make chickens sick. It is only the sick one that can cause issues just a person that is bit by a zombie. Therefore, you should be extremely careful when you are raising hens and pigeons together.

Make sure to observe them closely and see if there are any sick birds.

Do Pigeons Eat Chicken Eggs?

Another common question is: do pigeons eat chicken eggs?

The answer is no, they don’t. Pigeons are mostly seed and grain eaters and they don’t really like eggs. Pigeons will also prefer to eat seeds and grains even if there are fresh worms available.

This means the pigeons will never ever attack a chicken egg and disturb it. Having that said, pigeons are very peaceful birds and they don’t even trespass into other birds’ nests.

Can Pigeons Eat Chicken Food?

Yes, pigeons can eat chicken food without any problem. It is because mostly pigeons and chickens are seed and grain-eaters. Although chickens may sometimes eat worms and insects pigeons mostly love grains and seeds.

This means if you are planning to keep chickens and pigeons together at least you don’t need to arrange different types of feed. A single type of feed can do the job for both of them.

Interesting Fact: Pigeons raise two chicks at the same time and they mate for life

What Bird Gets Along with Pigeons?

Pigeons are social animals and they love being with other birds. So, there are lots of birds that can get along with pigeons without any issue.

Some of the most common birds that get along well with pigeons include doves, ducks, chickens, sparrows, and finches. All these birds are peaceful by nature and they usually don’t attack or disturb other birds.

This is one of the main reasons why you see mostly in parks and gardens pigeons and other birds feeding together. However, there are some predator birds such as hawks, crows, ravens, larks, eagles, etc that can attack and kill pigeons.

So, if you are planning to keep pigeons at your home then make sure to keep them away from such predator birds.

How to Keep Pigeons and Chickens Together?

  1. Keep the chicken coop and aviary separate, but close to each other. This way, the chickens can’t get into the aviary and harm the pigeons.
  2. Make sure the perches in the aviary are high enough so that the chickens can’t reach them.
  3. Keep an eye on the birds and see how they are getting along. If you see any signs of aggression, separate them immediately.
  4. Provide both types of birds with their own food and water so that there is no fighting over resources.
  5. Give both groups of birds their own private places where they can go to get away from each other.
A mommy hen taking care of her chicks


Can Pigeons and Chickens Live Together? Yes, Pigeons and chickens can get along well together if you take proper precautions.

Keep them in separate areas, provide them with their own food and water, and keep an eye on them to make sure they are getting along okay.

If you do all of these things, you should have no problem keeping these two types of birds together. However, you will also need to keep an eye out for sick birds because they can be very dangerous and can make the other birds sick.

Thank you for reading!


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