Why Do Cardinals Fly Into Windows? (Tips to Stop Them)

Why Do Cardinals Fly Into Windows? (Tips to Stop Them)

Imagine you are studying peacefully and all of a sudden a cardinal hit your window. You might be thinking why do cardinals fly into windows? Cardinals fly into windows for three main reasons. They might be attacking their own reflection considering it another bird. Sometimes they may get disoriented due to eating fermented berries. They…

Do Birds Hibernate or Migrate?

Do Birds Hibernate or Migrate?

There are different animals that hibernate during the winter seasons. However, the question arises do birds hibernate or migrate? Some birds “migrate” to areas with warmer climates during the cold weather while some of them go into a state like hibernation which is known as “torpor”. However, there’s a common misconception that all birds migrate…

What Household Dangers Kill the Birds Instantly?

What Household Dangers Kill the Birds Instantly?

It is a well-known truth that the dangers of a home can be really deadly to birds. But the question is What household dangers kill the birds instantly? There are different household dangers that can kill a bird instantly such as a running ceiling fan, exposed chemicals, unhealthy food items, etc. However, in some cases,…