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Do Blue Jays And Magpies Get Along?

Do birds of different species get along? It’s a question that has been asked by many birdwatchers, naturalists, and wildlife enthusiasts alike. 

While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, it is known that some species are more likely to form interspecies relationships than others. 

One such example is the relationship between blue jays and magpies. 

So do blue jays and magpies get along?

The answer is yes – they can be found living in close proximity to each other in some areas. This isn’t surprising given their similar habits and dietary needs, which make them well-suited for sharing the same habitat although they sometimes compete for resources. 

Besides that both blue jays and magpies can be quite territorial and aggressive when it comes to protecting their nesting areas, making them less likely to accept strangers in their territory. 

Let’s take a closer look at this topic and discuss the behavior of blue jays towards magpies and learn whether blue jays and magpies can live together or not. 

Apart from that, we will also discuss the conditions, in which magpies and blue jays may show aggression towards each other. 

So if this sounds interesting enough to you then keep on reading!

Do Blue Jays And Magpies Get Along (2)

Blue Jays Vs Magpies: Similarities and Differences

In order to learn the behavior of these two birds, it is important to establish an understanding of the similarities and differences between blue jays and magpies. 

Let’s see how are they different from each other and what is common between them first. 

Blue Jays vs Magpies: Common Features

The first thing that comes to mind when talking about these two birds is that they have a lot of similarities. 

Both blue jays and magpies are omnivorous, which means that they will feed on almost anything. They both enjoy seeds, nuts, fruits, insects, small invertebrates, and even other smaller birds or animals if available. 

Also, both species are quite intelligent and cunning so it’s not hard to imagine why they can often be seen together in the same habitats. This is because both of them belong to the same family i.e. Corvidae. 

Perhaps this is one reason why these two fantastic birds are often seen on bird feeders together. However, sometimes there exist clashes between them on various occasions which we are going to discuss in a moment too. 

A naughty magpie stealing an egg

Blue Jays vs Magpies: Differences

The differences between blue jays and magpies lie mainly in their size, habitat preferences, and social behaviors. 

Blue Jays are generally larger than magpies and usually prefer more open wooded areas with plenty of space to fly in. 

In comparison, magpies are smaller and often like to stay in fields and meadows where there is plenty of ground cover for them to hide. 

Additionally, the social behavior of blue jays is usually quite different from that of magpies which can lead to occasional clashes between these species. 

Do Blue Jays Get Along with Magpies?

Now that we’ve established some basic facts about blue jays and magpies let’s take a look at whether or not they can get along with each other. 

The answer is yes – they can coexist peacefully in most cases although it’s important to note that competition for food sources may occur between the two species. 

In fact, both species have been known to show aggression towards each other in certain situations such as when defending their nesting grounds or competing for food, but this is usually short-lived and quickly dissipates once the competition is gone. 

Blue Jays are Strict About Their Territory

You might have probably heard from researchers and birders that blue jays are very cautious when it comes to protecting their nests, eggs, and babies. In fact, these birds have somewhat trust issues and perhaps that’s why they don’t like other birds to come inside their territory. 

Apart from that, magpies are also known for stealing eggs. This is one of the major reasons why some birds, especially crows hate these naughty birds. Although both are corvids whenever crows see magpies around their first move is to scare them away.

Similarly, you may have noticed on bird feeders that blue jays can share meals with other birds such as magpies, cardinals, finches, etc. but only up to a certain level. 

Once they feel that the other birds are taking more than their share, then they will start showing aggressive signs such as chasing and pecking in order to keep them away from food sources. 

A blue jay about to take off

Are Magpies Scared of Blue Jays?

Well, this might be a tricky question to answer. There are a lot of variables when it comes to concluding that one bird is scared of the other. As you have read above, both birds belong to the same family which means both have almost similar characteristics. 

In addition to this both blue jays and magpies can be mean to other birds in the surroundings on different occasions. Now when it comes to the fear aspect, it’s hard to say which bird would be more scared of the other one. 

But still, we can say that magpies are generally scared of blue jays because of their larger size and strong beaks. Blue jays often chase away smaller birds including magpies in order to protect their food sources or territories which could explain why these birds seem scared of them. 

Do Magpies Fight With Blue Jays?

Now that you have talked about the aggressive behavior of blue jays toward magpies you might be wondering if magpies can fight back with blue jays or not.

The answer is yes, magpies do sometimes fight back with blue jays. Magpies have sharp beaks and claws that can help them defend themselves against a larger bird like the blue jay. 

Additionally, some magpies are known to attack other birds if they feel threatened or territorial. However, this behavior is more common among younger birds since they are more likely to be inexperienced in defending territories and interacting with other species. 

In most cases, magpies will attempt to avoid contact with blue jays if possible rather than engage in direct combat. This is because the strength and size of a blue jay make it difficult for a single magpie to win an altercation between the two species. 

However, if there are multiple magpies around and poor jay is outnumbered then they can mob it and chase it away. 

Last Minute Thought!

So, in conclusion, both birds i.e. blue jays and magpies can coexist peacefully under certain conditions as long as they are given enough space and resources. 

Blue jays tend to be more territorial which puts them at an advantage in many situations and magpies can sometimes fight back if necessary. 

When it comes to protecting their nests, eggs, and territory they are quite serious. Not only towards each other but they can also chase away birds of other kinds. 

Thank you for reading! We hope this article has helped you understand the interactions between these two species better. 

Have fun bird-watching out there!

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