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How Do Hummingbirds Sleep – Things You Don’t Know

You may have seen hummingbirds around but have you ever thought about how do hummingbirds sleep?

Hummingbirds find safe places such as twigs to protect themselves from the winds while they sleep. The selection of location is not only based on protection from wind and cold but also from predators while they are resting. They also go into a deep sleep phase called torpor.

However, there are a lot more interesting things to learn when it comes to figuring out how do hummingbirds sleep. Fortunately, I’ve addressed all there is to know about hummingbird sleep.

If you are interested in learning about the sleeping habit of these tiny birds then keep on reading!

How Do Hummingbirds Sleep

How do hummingbird sleep

As mentioned earlier, hummingbirds are known to have the capability of sleeping under twigs. In addition to this, hummingbirds experience something called torpor which is characterized by a reduction in their metabolism and heart rate.

The Torpor State Of Hummingbirds

Hummingbird’s rest time is similar to that of mammals. They need to be able to sleep since they are very active during the day. Hummingbirds will spend half of their time asleep or in a torpor state.

When hummingbirds go into torpor, it is possible for them to remain asleep even if exposed to cold temperatures and high wind. The hummingbirds will not collapse or keel over like other small birds.

Torpor levels are not stable for the hummingbirds, they cycle through periods of torpor and activity throughout the day. Torpors typically last around an hour to several hours long depending on the species of hummer you are watching.

The Need For Sleep

When that hour to several hours is up, the hummingbirds typically take a break from that deep sleep and go back into an active state. However, the hummingbirds will be weary of their surroundings after waking up from such a long rest.

Hummingbird’s sleep process involves them going through stages of sleep rather than sleeping throughout the night or day like humans. A hummingbird can experience four cycles of sleep within a 24 hour period!

Why Do Hummingbirds Sleep Under Twig

hummingbird sitting on a flower

Hummingbird’s sleep cycle is very important since it allows them time to rest and recuperate for their next activity.

Although there are many different sleeping places hummingbirds can choose from, twigs are the most popular among them. It gives protection to their small bodies from high winds which could knock out or even kill them if they were not safe behind twigs.

So, the next time you see a hummingbird resting on a branch or twig, make sure to look at his sleeping position. He might be sleeping under the protection of a twig!

Do hummingbirds sleep upright?

Hummingbirds sleep under twig, they can sleep in various ways. They will choose the best sleeping position that fits them depending on their body size.

In addition to this, hummingbirds have been known to put themselves into a horizontal or vertical position while sleeping depending on what they need most at the time.

When a hummingbird seeks shelter from a predator while sleeping, they will curl up their bodies to make themselves smaller so the predators cannot see them.

It is very interesting how hummers sleep since they can move their little bodies in various positions while taking a break from sleeping. Since hummingbirds are so small you might be able to spot one of them wrapping up his body into an upward position like in the picture below.

A hummer will do anything to get his rest!

How Long Do Hummingbirds Sleep?

hummingbird sleeping while sitting

According to studies, hummingbirds spend half of their time sleeping and the other half of the day they are awake and active. The length of sleep can range from one hour to several hours depending on how much time is needed for it.

Hummingbirds need to keep their bodies balanced out by getting much-needed rest and recuperation time so they can be active during the day.

When hummingbirds sleep, they need protection from the wind and predators since they are very vulnerable to them while sleeping under twigs.  They must feel safe and comfortable in order to get that long-needed rest.

When do hummingbirds go to sleep at night?

Hummingbirds prefer to go to sleep during the evening and night hours. When the sun goes down it is time for them to rest. They will typically stay in their nests or roosts which makes them feel safe and comfortable while getting their much-needed sleep.

Hummingbirds roosting at night need protection from predators such as owls and hawks. They will usually choose a hidden or protected area where they can feel safe from these predators.

Hummingbirds sleep with their heads tucked under their wings when they roost at night. Since most birds sleep in this position, it is very easy to tell if the bird’s head is underneath his wing or not.

Where do hummingbirds go to sleep at night?

Hummingbirds sleep best in their nests or even on other small branches. Depending on how long they are going to sleep, they will choose the best location for it.

When the hummer is short on time, it will take a quick power nap or sleep for thirty minutes. If this isn’t enough, then they might even go to sleep at night for several hours up to almost an entire day depending on how long they need it.

Even though hummingbirds are great sleepers, you must remember that their sleep can be very light. They will wake up at the slightest noise or movement.

Can hummingbirds see at night?

A fluffy hummingbird

Hummingbirds can see at night but their eyesight is not the best when it comes to seeing in dark conditions. During the hours of darkness, they will usually sleep since their visibility is limited at night.

Since they are not nocturnal birds like owls etc they usually prefer to sleep or stay hidden during the nighttime. It is because mostly predator birds are actively looking for prey in the darkness.

Under such conditions, if a hummingbird is flying around in darkness it can easily fall prey to nocturnal predators.

Where do hummingbirds go in the rain?

Although for us humans, who love in nice and cozy buildings, rain is quite fascinating at night. especially when you are taking sips from hot coffee and reading a book while it is raining outside. However, on the other hand, poor birds seek shelter usually when it rains.

Now since we are talking about hummingbirds, you might be thinking where do they go when it rains. It is very simple since these tiny creatures usually go to the branches of trees.

However, there are some hummingbirds that prefer to rest in nests when it rains. They will often shelter under leaves or even seek refuge inside the cavities of tree trunks.

Hummingbirds usually seek shelter during heavy rain because they can get soaked which can cause them to become ill.

But if their nests are already wet, then they won’t even mind it because they will just sit still and wait for the rain to pass.  Hummingbirds don’t like swimming or getting soaked in water because it can cause drowning which can be fatal for them.

Last Minute Thoughts

So how do hummingbirds sleep? And where do they find their perfect sleeping spot?

Hummingbirds can sleep in a wide range of locations depending on how much time they have. They will usually stay hidden from the other animals while being vigilant for any predators during night. 

In fact, you should know that these birds spend more than 60% of instant asleep every day. Try to remember that next time you see a bird sleeping. Also, don’t forget to share this article with your friends because it might be interesting for them too.

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