What Do Baby Cardinals Eat? – [Ultimate Guide]

What Do Baby Cardinals Eat? – [Ultimate Guide]

If you are interested in cardinals then you have come to the right place. In this guide, we will take a look and see what do baby cardinals eat? Baby cardinals usually feed on seeds which include black oil sunflowers, safflower, and white milo seeds. Apart from that, they also eat insects such as grasshoppers,…

How Much Does a Trained Hawk Cost? – [Facts Explained]

How Much Does a Trained Hawk Cost? – [Facts Explained]

Hawks are one of the most glorious birds that are famous for their bravery throughout the world. But have you ever imagined how much does a trained hawk cost? The cost of a fully trained hawk can go up to $1000 excluding shipping and health certificate charges. The training process is quite tedious and time-taking,…

Attracting Crows to Protect Chickens – [11 Proven Tips]

Attracting Crows to Protect Chickens – [11 Proven Tips]

Crows are usually considered pests as they can be noisy and annoying. You might want attracting crows to protect chickens. It is because of their pest deterrent nature as they will chase away squirrels and other predators away from your chickens. There are a number of repellents and scare tactics to keeping crows at bay,…

How Do Hummingbirds Sleep – Things You Don’t Know

How Do Hummingbirds Sleep – Things You Don’t Know

You may have seen hummingbirds around but have you ever thought about how do hummingbirds sleep? Hummingbirds find safe places such as twigs to protect themselves from the winds while they sleep. The selection of location is not only based on protection from wind and cold but also from predators while they are resting. They…

What Bird Looks Like a Blue Cardinal

What Bird Looks Like a Blue Cardinal

Cardinals are known as redbirds or common cardinals. But you may wonder what bird looks like a blue cardinal? Birds that look like blue cardinals include Stellar’s Jay, Scrub-Jay, Grosbeak, and Blue Jay. However, Stellar’s jay, on the other hand, has a lot in common with cardinals because of its physical structure. Having that said,…